How to stop the automatic updates in Windows 7 and XP?

Windows updateThe updates in Windows are very useful because they improve the stability, security and performance of the system. By default they are completely automatic.

If you wish to manually choose which ones to download and install or if you want to simply turn them off – you need to change some settings. In this article we will see how to do that in Windows 7 and Windows XP.

For Windows 7

  1. Open the Start Menu and go to Control Panel.
  2. Click on: System and Security -> Windows Update -> Change settings.
  3. Changing the Windows 7 update options

  4. If you want the checking for updates to be automatic but the download and install process to be only with your permission – from the drop down menu choose: Check for updates but let me choose whether to download and install them.
    And if you want to stop the automatic checking as well choose: Never check for updates (not recommended). In this case you can manually check for new updates if you want.
  5. Choosing the way Windows 7 installs updates

  6. Click OK.

For Windows XP

  1. Open the Start Menu and click Run.
  2. Input sysdm.cpl and click OK.
  3. Click on the Automatic Updates tab.
  4. If you want the checking for updates to be automatic but the download and install process to be only with your permission – click on: Notify me but don’t automatically download or install them.
    And if you want to stop the automatic checking as well choose: Turn off Automatic Updates.
  5. Windows updates options in Windows XP

  6. Click OK.

Category: Computer Articles

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