Skype Emoticons + New Hidden Smileys in Skype 6.14, 5.9 and 5.5

Fun Emoticon

A fun way to express emotion while chatting is by using emoticons (also called smileys). Like other programs, Skype also supports such icons.

The number of Skype emoticons we see in the program is 72, but in fact we can use even more if we know their code. These additional ones are called hidden or secret.

I have listed all the emoticons I know of below (except the flags, which I mention at the end of the post). They are separated in four categories. By the way you might also want to check out the page about the emoticons for Facebook.

Update: More recent list here:

New standard emoticons in Skype 5.5 and above

Standard emoticons in Skype 5.5 and above - 1 Smile :) Standard emoticons in Skype 5.5 and above - 2 Worried (worry) Standard emoticons in Skype 5.5 and above - 3 Yes (y)
Sad :( mmmmm… (mm) No (n)
Laugh :D Nerdy (nerd) Handshake (handshake)
Cool 8-) My lips are sealed :x High five (highfive)
Surprised :O Hi (wave) Heart (h)
Wink ;) Facepalm (facepalm) Lalala (lalala)
Crying ;( Devil (devil) Heidy (heidy)
Sweating (:| Angel (angel) Flower (F)
Speechless :| Envy (envy) Raining (rain)
Kiss :* Wait (wait) Sun (sun)
Cheeky :P Hug (hug) Tumbleweed (tumbleweed)
Blushing :$ Make-up (makeup) Music (music)
Wondering :^) Giggle (chuckle) Bandit (bandit)
Sleepy |-) Clapping (clap) Too much info (tmi)
Dull |-( Thinking (think) Coffee (coffee)
In love (inlove) Bowing (bow) Pizza (pi)
Evil grin ]:) ROFL (rofl) Cash (cash)
Fingers crossed (yn) Relieved (whew) Muscle (flex)
Yawn (yawn) Happy (happy) Cake (^)
Puking (puke) Smirking (smirk) Beer (beer)
Doh! (doh) Nodding (nod) Drink (d)
Angry (angry) Shake (shake) Dancing \o/
It wasn’t me! (wasntme) Waiting (waiting) Ninja (ninja)
Party (party) Emo (emo) Star (*)

New hidden emoticons in Skype 5.5 and above

Hidden emoticons in Skype 5.5 and above - 1 (mooning) Hidden emoticons in Skype 5.5 and above - 2 (fubar) – before 6.14 Hidden emoticons in Skype 5.5 and above - 3 (ph) (mp)
(finger) – before 6.14 (poolparty) (u) (U)
(drunk) (swear) (~) (film) (movie)
(smoking) (smoke) (ci) (wtf) – before 6.14 (o) (O) (time)
(toivo) (zilmer) (e) (m)
(rock) (punch) (skype) (ss)
(headbang) (call) (wfh)
(bug) (talk) (hollest) – before 6.14
(oliver) – since 5.9 (soccer) – since 5.9  

New hidden emoticons in Skype 6.14 and above

New hidden emoticons in Skype 6.14 and above - 1 (talktothehand) New hidden emoticons in Skype 6.14 and above - 2 (dog) New hidden emoticons in Skype 6.14 and above - 3 (shielddeflect)
(idea) (sheep) (blackwidow)
(bike) (nickfury) (bucky)
(cat) (captain)  

Old standard Skype emoticons (before ver. 5.5)

Old standard Skype emoticons - 1 Smiley :) Old standard Skype emoticons - 2 Worried :S Old standard Skype emoticons - 3 Yes (y)
Sad face :( Mmmmm… (mm) No (n)
Big smiley :D Nerdy 8-| Handshake (handshake)
Cool smiley 8-) My lips are sealed :x Skype (skype)
Surprised smiley :O Hi (wave) Heart (h)
Winking smiley ;) Call (call) Broken heart (u)
Crying face ;( Devil (devil) You have mail (e)
Sweating (sweat) Angel (angel) Flower (F)
Speechless smiley :| Envy (envy) Raining (rain)
Kiss :* Wait (wait) Sun (sun)
Smiley with toungue out :P Hug (hug) Time (o)
Blush (blush) Make-up (makeup) Music (music)
Wondering :^) Giggle (chuckle) Movie (~)
Sleepy |-) Clapping (clap) Phone (mp)
Dull |-( Thinking (think) Coffee (coffee)
In love (inlove) Bowing (bow) Pizza (pi)
Evil grin ]:) ROFL (rofl) Cash (cash)
Talking (talk) Relieved (whew) Muscle (flex)
Yawn (yawn) Happy (happy) Cake (^)
Puking (puke) Smirking (smirk) Beer (beer)
Doh! (doh) Nodding (nod) Drink (d)
Angry :@ Shake (shake) Dancing (dance)
It wasn’t me! (wasntme) Punch (punch) Ninja (ninja)
Party (party) Emo (emo) Star (*)

Old hidden Skype emoticons (before ver. 5.5)

Old hidden Skype emoticons - 1 (mooning) Old hidden Skype emoticons - 2 (rock) Old hidden Skype emoticons - 3 (tmi)
(finger) (headbang) (banghead) (heidy)
(bandit) (bug) (myspace)
(drunk) (fubar) (malthe) – removed
(smoking) (smoke) (ci) (poolparty) (tauri) – removed
(toivo) (swear) (priidu) – removed

Except all these, there are other emoticons that represent the country flags. The code for them is the following: (flag:XX). You need to replace the XX part with the the 2-letter code of the country. For example (flag:US) will display the flag of USA. I have made a separate post that contains the full list of Skype flag codes.

Also don’t forget to check out what kind of Skype pictures can these emoticons make and how to draw your own with my super cool and free emoticon art tool.

Category: Skype Tricks


  1. Well, if the ”finger” emoticon got removed because it was offensive, why not remove the mooning emoticon?

    PS: This doesnt mean i want you to remove mooning

  2. @Octoplax
    Hi. You have a point there. I don’t now, but it could be that they saw that mooning is very popular and decided to leave it. I am just speculating of course.

  3. Finger and Hollest got removed? yet mooning remains? I like all three… Skype is lame removing emoticons people like. Pretty sad bowing to minority that complains… I have been talking with peeps about it. They think removing Hollest and Finger is wrong…. good luck Skype… if you try to cater to minority.

  4. @HERNAN
    Hi. I don’t know. I don’t even know where the idea for this oliver guy came from…

    oliver was employer of skype when it was estonian company. Thats why there are some “workers” smilies like (taivo) who was CEO Skype in Estonia.

  5. But now that you mentioned it I see that I should fix some of the others that I call removed, because they also work on older versions. I will write a note for them on their right that says where they work. I will leave “removed” only on the ones I do not find them to work on any version I have tried.

  6. Messenger was better bcause we were able to put animated gifs in message box…
    Now it’s getting bored with these emoticons.

  7. @Sorb
    You are right, they don’t work :(
    I don’t know if it is copyright, I always thought that Marvel paid Skype to put them there to promote the upcoming movie. Just my theory though.

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